“The Wheel is turning and you can’t slow down,
You can’t let go and you can’t hold on.
You can’t go back and you can’t stand still,
If the thunder don’t get you than the lightning will…”
— (Garcia/Hunter)
Halloween. Samhain. Time of Death. Time of rebirth. Clocks turn back. Winter’s fast approaching. The Dark Side of the Year.
Lately, it seems as if time is speeding up, yet time is standing still. Whereas I’ve felt like I’ve had to hurry up and “prepare” or accelerate my spirituality for the coming age now as this time of the year approaches my head changes and a voice inside me says “Relax, let go. Don’t try to change or develop; just do what you do without expectation and it will happen for you. The seeds have been planted and when the light returns they will germinate, take root, sprout then grow”. This is a great message for the season as it is the dark time of the year where activity diminishes and we tend to go within. The annuals die, the leaves fall from the trees and soon snow will cover the ground as the earth rests. It is a great time for growth but that growth happens by going inward rather than forcing it outward. As I’ve had to slow down this fall due to illness induced by medication I’m realizing that you just can’t rush things and by doing so you only offer resistance, which brings me back to that same old message: “Just be present. Be Aware. Be Here Now. Be Still” and then and only then will that silent voice of Spirit speak through the inner stillness as the veils are thin and access to Spirit is heightened. Spirituality is a matter of decrease, not increase since after all we ARE Spirit and how can you add to that, so the trick is to be present and still and allow our true essence to shine through the haze of social conditioning and false beliefs. Now that we are at Halloween, or Samhain we honor endings and dying but only to realize that from death comes rebirth which is why some cultures treat this time of year symbolized by death as “The New Year”. What I am personally letting die this season is the need to constantly be “better” at what I do and instead replace it with gratitude for who I am right now and where I am at right now knowing everything is perfect just the way it is for the wheel will keep on spinning and if I don’t remain calm and present I just may fall off.