The Fire of Change

Take a moment to think about what you wish to create in your life right now.  Then get completely relaxed.  Clear your mind of all thoughts and allow yourself to enter a meditative state.  Become aware of everything around you and within you.


  1. Imagine yourself sitting out somewhere in nature under the very warm July sun.  Feel the rays relaxing you, warming you.  Feel yourself get progressively hotter but not in an uncomfortable way.  Let the heat build within you and around you.
  2. For a few moments visualize scenes from your present life in your mind.  Especially visualize those things you would like to change or get rid of.  To visualize you can either hold moving mental images or engage your imagination (or both).  Either way is just as powerful.
  3. As your body continues to get hot start to imagine that there is a gentle fire burning within you and around you.  Although the flames are very hot you feel comfortable and in control.  Project those flames around you and into your visualization.  Watch that vision burn up and disappear.
  4. Allow the flames to diminish now and stop and notice that in your mind’s eye, or imagination a new scene has formed replacing the old one that represents the fulfillment of your wishes manifesting in the present moment.  Allow your emotions to soar to new heights of joy and optimism as you see and feel your wishes coming true.  Stay with this visualization for a few moments until the heightened emotions begin to fade (usually this starts top happen in about 3-5 minutes).
  5. Allow the vision to fade and immediately think of a few things in your life right now to be grateful for and say in your mind with feeling a few words of gratitude for the creator.
  6. Ground/center than open your eyes.
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