Summer of Growth: A Lily Dale Tale

growingPlants aren’t the only things that grow in the summertime.  Sometimes people do as well. Sometimes children.  Case in point would be my 16 year old son who spent most of the summer with me. Upon his arrival, I got a message from Spirit that this would be his time to break through some mental barriers so I told him so, though I was not sure how it would happen. I always recognized Ogden to be very gifted and an old soul, and when he was about 8 I recognized that he had a past incarnation as a Spiritualist and medium, which in hindsight, would explain why a couple of the directors of Lily Dale (The World’s oldest and largest Spiritualist Community) stopped us one evening when we were visiting and started talking to a 9 year old Ogden telling him that they will see him at Lily Dale for many, many years to come.  

However, by the time Ogden reached 11, he stated that he could not do mediumship and that when he was younger he was just “making it up” so he stopped doing messages during Children’s Week at Lily Dale. Although, he enjoyed the energy there and still wanted to visit for the special week where all the psychic kids come together to learn more about themselves, their gifts and the changing world in which they live in. This summer, however, I got a feeling it was time for him to get up in public and do some messages. Public speaking, when you have a script, is the number one fear among people so you could imagine what a mental block it would be for a teenager with no script, who doesn’t believe he’s a medium, to do public messages.

Well, I told him that I don’t care whether or not he gets anything, or has any inkling to learn mediumship; I just recognized the fact that this was a huge mental block for him and that those who can break through their mental barriers are the ones who succeed in life. Those who can’t, do not succeed.  This became about character development, not mediumship, and if I had “made” him get up it would not have had the same impact. It had to be his decision so I prodded. Then, prodded some more.  


By the 2nd to last day, he did finally get up in front of a small group during a children led Spiritualist church service, and did a fine job I might add, but the big test was still to come at the teens message service. These kids have been training – some for years and they are good.  There were over 50 in the audience. It was very intimidating under the circumstances, but I had support in my prodding and I knew Ogden wanted to do it.

At the 11th hour, he made a bold decision and got up amongst the young mediums-in-training to try his hand. At that moment, I couldn’t be prouder, but it gets better. As he was called, he picked up some very specific information around a deceased lady, including her approximate age of passing, the condition of the body, how she had been in and out of hospitals for 2 years, and to top it off he said “I don’t know why but I’m getting the name Marie”.  A medium in the audience understood who Marie was to her and said everything was correct and accurate. Ogden then proceeded to get a message from that spirit that was very meaningful. I told Ogden after it was over that “You must be so freakin’ glad you went up there” and proceeded to tell him, that when you take appropriate risks in life, Spirit has a way of rewarding you. His confidence went through the roof and now he is toying with the idea of possible getting some training. As a medium, I know this stuff will help you in life even if you never give a message again. And so a proud father, who has told this story many times, shares it with his readers and hopes it will inspire you to rise up to the occasion when you are called upon to do so and that you will break on through…  

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