One cold snowy day in 2009 I took a Power Attunements workshop in Woodstock, NY with Adam Bernstein. Little did I know how much my life would change. I had reached a new level of “low” and had recently lost a loved one as well as my living situation. I liked the class a lot and what Adam had to say so, shortly thereafter I decided to try Power Attunements coaching sessions. What did I have to lose? Well come to find out a LOT. A lot of conditioning- mental, emotional and environmental that was holding me back from achieving the life I wanted. I would go faithfully every month to see him at his office and not so faithfully follow his advice but when I did, I would notice huge changes. Fast forward to 2011. I was unhappy in a dead end job. I felt trapped and longed for personal freedom as well as freedom from the watchful eyes of “the clock”. Through the 4th Treasure of Power Attunements Adam and I manifested a financial situation where I could come to work for Between The Worlds full time. It was a dream come true and I continue to practice prayers of gratitude every day for this job. Up until that point I thought I had embraced the program, following the different teachings and meditations. I truly believed in it and talked about it with my friends. Once I was on board with Adam I started to attend all of his Power Attunements groups and workshops. I no longer thought I was “following the program”. How could I not have done my 40 days of Spirit I Am and Mirror, Mirror? Well, like so many others I tried and made it to 23, 15, 8 days before I “fell off the wagon”. Perhaps I was not ready. I was the resistance that was holding back the change. Now I would finish my 40 days and see what happened. I texted “day 1, day 2, day 3” back and forth with a friend to remind myself to do my meditations. It did not take much time even on busy, frantic days. Once I even started over again just because I felt like I should and before I knew it I was in group proudly exclaiming I had finished my 40 day cycle, which Adam explains, “Based upon both western scientific principles and Yogic science 40 days is how long it takes for your cells, as well as your energy fields to recreate themselves and adopt the new conditioning, as this exercise is actually designed to shift you on a very deep level.” Continue reading
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