Estrology: April Fool’s Day Week, 2014

By Esther Frances

A very, very dynamic April Fool’s Day this year on the eve of an exact Sun / Uranus conjunction at 12:08 AM on April the 2nd, Wednesday. I’d been wondering what might show up with this and while driving home last night heard that a sizable earthquake had visited Chile with Tsunami warning evacuating tens of thousands and warnings going out to distant Hawaii to take care and caution regarding shoreline wave intensity.

An event of this kind is soooo Uranian! With the Moon in Taurus, the primal Earth sign, trining Pluto in Capricorn, (transformation/ death and rebirth) in the Earth sign of Capricorn, it indicates changes, regarding our very foundations, are taking place.

uranusTranslation on a more spiritual and social dimension: We cannot continue to persist in the illusion that the human species is somehow separate from our Earthly environment, our home, while we are here in this interdependent web of Earth-Life.The biologist Elizabet Sahtouris coined the term “rabbitat,” a fusion of the words rabbit and habitat, to emphasize the profound interdependence that exists between a life form and the external environment surrounding that life form. Continue reading

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Grand Cross Meditation

(You can do this meditation anytime but it will be most powerful during the period around the Grand Cross.)

  1. Get comfortable and deeply relax.
  2. As you settle into a deep mediation start to feel a spark of light ignite in your heart center. Allow that light (gold or white) to grow larger and brighter with each breath until the entire center of your chest is activated in this beautiful heart light.
  3. Now visualize and feel the heart light extending from your chest in chords of light both upward and downward through your centerline, through the top of your head and the base of your spine simultaneously. Then imagine that chord of light extending both upward and downward indefinitely past your body and towards infinity. Notice how that feels. Keep imagining/visualizing that the expanding light in your heart continually sends a current of light both upward and downward through your body into infinity.
  4. Now add a horizontal current of light that extends from your expanding heart outwards toward the left and the right simultaneously in straight lines and visualize that light extending outward indefinitely. Notice you have created a “Grand Cross” with your heart at the apex, and as your heart continues expanding send chords of continuous light both vertically upwards and downwards and horizontally to the left and right. Be aware of your emotions and energetic feelings. Allow the vibration of love to expand as you continuously send the light outward in all four directions.
  5. Continue this process. Start imagining what you would consider your ideal world to be forming all around you. Notice the scene of an Earth in spiritual harmony and balance. Visualize this with all your senses: a world born out of pure love with all of her inhabitants living in pure joy, peace and harmony. Visualize a world without hunger or violence, or whatever you wish to visualize as a symbol to what your ideal world would be. Continue expanding your heart, your love and your vision outward through your Grand Cross.
  6. Allow the feelings of joy and love to grow with each breath. When you feel like your meditation is complete reverse the flow of energy and imagine that through the Grand Cross of light you have created that the love and joy of your perfect world begins to flow inwards from all for directions and back into your heart center. After a couple moments allow your heart to close or remain open to a comfortable level. Ground yourself by imagining deep roots extending into the Earth from the base of your spine and soles of your feet. Take a couple deep breaths then open your eyes.
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