By Esther Frances
Let’s all try something. What if you were to channel the Earth? Hmmm. Let me give it a try:
“I am alive. MAtter is sacred. There is no such thing as a thing. Every form has within it the “w-hole.” How can you continue to think you are separate from me? What are you going to breathe? to eat? to love? to drink? to live? to share? if you don’t wake up, care, and share your gifts and compassion with the rest of your community?”
Why don’t you give it a try? See what message your inner Earth has to reveal to you.
Astrologically the Earth placement occupies the space 180 degrees across from the Sun’s natal position. If the Sun is in Taurus, your Earth is in Scorpio. Your Earth position MAterializes and grounds your creativity and Spirit. It gives form to your Sun’s vision and brings dynamic balance to your Sun’s proclivities. Scorpio Earth / Taurus Sun could remind us that: Continue reading