By Esther Frances
Aquarius, Uranus & the Shift into the Aquarian Age
I see the “Aquarian Age” as a shifting of awareness away from the notion of a “top-down” hierarchical order, into a co-creative, co-operative, co-laborative leadership process, where the “cells” are recognized for their imput into the decision making process. As contemporary biology is showing us, the heart is not a mere pump but part of a circulatory system where the veins and arteries are participants and not mere conduits. We learn that blood spirals through these bodily rivers just as solar systems spiral through space.
Whereas there is a place for hierachy: I wouldn’t want to fly in a plane with an untrained, unskilled pilot…when it is the primary modality; it doesn’t serve to meet all the needs. Healing is very different in its preventative approach than it is in its emergency model. It is not a question of totally replacing or discarding what is, but seeing its limitations and expanding the options to create greater variety and balance.
We are moving into an awakening that all of us are holographic/fractal representations of the “whole, wholly, w-hole” — the “U-ni-verse, Divine or Great Spirit, or whatever you prefer calling the Source. Accompanying this is the release of the idea that we need “bosses”: A Leo archetype of leadership, that assumes that there is a royal, more capable and divinely qualified, or a more powerful, dominating faction of folk, that needs to hold the reins and that we are merely along for the ride rather than participating in guiding the destination. Continue reading