Estrology: March 2015

By Esther Frances

Yay spring!  Now is the time to renew, regenerate and celebrate new possibilities. Look to Nature as your teacher.  What seeds have you planted?

I invite you to co-create, reflect and choose what you wish to grow.

The Solar Eclipse at the last degree of Pisces, on the first day of spring, indicates that we can all take a new approach to the past and literally spring into a new way of being, with all the energy available on this most powerful day.  It takes courage to release the past and this spring the energy is like a strong wind at the back, allowing us to let go and sail into rebirth.

butterflyOn Monday, March 16th, the day after “the ides of March,” we will experience the last Pluto/Uranus square that has been the most potent influence for us for the last few years.  We are in the last phase of the “breakdown / breakthrough” that true transformation requires.  Keep your ear to the ground and your eyes open to discover and discern what in your own life has shifted and is morphing from caterpillar to butterfly. Continue reading

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Three Part Breathing Meditation


  1. Get into a comfortable seated position. Sit up tall and straight if comfortable, otherwise sit in a position for maximum comfort.
  2. Fully relax the body remaining in a slow natural breath.
  3. Once relaxed fully exhale, then inhale by expanding your gut and fill your entire diaphragm with life giving and energizing oxygen, then take a second inhale (without exhaling) by expanding your chest and drawing energizing air into your entire chest cavity. Then without exhaling take a third breath in by expanding your upper chest and throat area. Feel the breath circulate for a moment and then exhale completely first from your throat gently releasing accumulated toxins and unwanted energies from your upper body, then exhale from your chest gently pushing the air out along with unwanted toxins/energies from the chest area, then finally push the air out from deep in your diaphragm again gently pushing the air out completely from your lower body along with all the CO2 and energetic toxins. Then continue doing this 3-part breathing alternating the inhale and exhale each with 3 distinct parts inhaling and exhaling completely in each segment of breath yet remaining fully relaxed relaxed.
  4. After a few minutes add a visualization where on the inhale you visualize breathing in pure white light with each of your 3 part inhales, then imagine exhaling brown, grey or off-colored light with each of your 3 part exhales. Stay with this for a few minutes and tune into your body and energy fields and notice the cleansing and energizing effects of this breath work.
  5. When you feel you’ve completed allow your breath to settle into a nice relaxed and natural rhythm and stay in a gentle meditation for a few moments longer noticing how you feel. Clear your mind and just be aware of the “now” or present moment. Ground, center and come out of the meditation when you are ready.
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