Lunattunements Meditation


  1. Get very relaxed and comfortable. Relax your body completely, then count down from 5 to 1 allowing yourself to become 5 times more relaxed with each count
  2. Visualize the bright full moon shining over you. Visualize the moon coming into a position directly over your head. Allow the moon to shine outward from the top of your head energizing and clearing your crown chakra with the sublime but powerful lunar light. Notice how you feel emotionally, physically and energetically as you allow the moon to shine from deep within your crown chakra outwards. Be open to any symbols or messages you receive.
  3. Visualize the bright full moon descend down your center line and come into a position deep within your 3rd eye. See and feel.the bright full moon shining out of your 3rd eye in all directions. Repeat the steps in Step 2.
  4. Allow the moon to slowly drop through your center line into the center of your throat (throat chakra). Repeat step 2.
  5. Bring the moon down into the center of your chest, or heart chakra. Repeat step 2.
  6. Next, allow the moon to descend into your solar plexus and repeat step 2.
  7. Then bring the moon into your naval region, or sacral chakra and repeat.
  8. Then bring the moon down into your root at the base of your spine and repeat above steps
  9. From the base of your spine, allow the full moon to send light filaments down through your legs, out your feet and see and feel the moonlight form lattice like roots down into the ground thus grounding and centering you. Take a few deep breaths then open your eyes.
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Estrology: July 2015

By Esther Frances

Greetings Readers,

estrology-starsI am letting go of the format that gives a little snippet to each sign as your monthly update. I’ve always been frustrated by that structure because one size doesn’t fit all and I am no longer willing to try to stuff my creative “footage” into an outgrown shoe. It’s kind of like taking a snapshot of a movie and then acting as if it were the movie or tasting a bite of a five-course dinner and acting as if the taste is equivalent to the whole meal. I know we live in a “sound-bite” culture but my appetite isn’t satisfied with this modality so I am going to go the route of a blog that really interests me and tie it in with the astrological happenings for the month. I hope you’ll enjoy the ride. If not, there are plenty of venues offering you the astro tidbit for the month! Continue reading

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