Halloween, an American Holiday, is deeply rooted in mystery with some of it’s customs originating from Celtic, European, and even Mexican cultures. For the Celts, this time of year is known as Samhain, which honors death as the beginning rather than the end and is considered the New Year. It is said that during Samhain the veils between the worlds become thin and those in the Spirit world walk among the living.
One year I decided to hold a Samhain-Halloween circle on the night of the 31st and I decided to use The Psychic Circle (an updated version of Ouija) as a tool for Spirit Communication. Since these tools have a reputation for drawing in less evolved spiritual energy, I cleared and raised the energy with my group before we began. So as we called in the first spirit, the viewer spun round and round the board in wide arcs and the 4 participants whose fingertips were splayed upon the viewer, including myself, looked around to make sure no one was cheating. Satisfied that genuine physical mediumship was occurring, the viewer spun round and round then stopped on the letter “M” Then it would spin round and round again to the letter “A”. Finally several minutes later it had spelled out the words “Mary Hugs”. Since collectively we had several Marys who had crossed over, we asked a few more questions until we narrowed it down to one participant’s grandmother coming through for a warm greeting. Continue reading