It started Dec. 21 2010 during an amazing long duration Lunar eclipse. It was bitter cold outside so I bundled up and went outside as the moon was getting smaller. Suddenly, I noticed that the moon had turned all green (in my mind) and the landscape turned a beautiful violet. I felt like the earth was being bathed in the divine feminine and that I was having a spiritual awakening. A rebirth of sorts. Not just me but the whole planet. I felt like this was the true beginning of the Aquarian age of community, higher consciousness, and the Divine Feminine. I even thought that this was the so called “end of the world” and that 12/21/2012 came exactly 2 years earlier. As the long period of total eclipse began, I went into deep meditation and abruptly came out of it when the time on the clock was 3:33, which matched the numerology of the date 12/21/2010 (2+1=3). I was excited to know that spiritual awakening was happening; that everything was going to be alright….. Continue reading
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