Mothering Meditation

Whether male or female, we all have a “motherly” side. In this meditation we will channel this quality into our body and into our Great Mother- Earth.



  1. Sit in a warm, cozy place and gently close your eyes. You may want to play soft, pleasant music in the background or simply tune into the sounds of nature and the environment around you. Take a moment to relax your muscles from the top of your head down to your toes.
  2. Gently begin to rock or sway back and forth, small flowing movements. Envision all of the colors of the rainbow within and around you. Allow these colors to light up every cell in your body. Absorb the vibration and feel the rhythm of your body in harmony with Mother Earth.
  3. Out of the rainbow light that surrounds you emerge tiny golden butterflies that dance high above you. You notice that they are weaving a golden scarf from the top of your head up into the heavens. They have created a clear channel to all of your Ancestors. With your eyes closed, ask for a message in the form of thought and trust the first thing that comes to you. Keep this message close to your heart.
  4. Now bring your awareness to your seat, legs and feet. Allow them to become light, and vibrate with golden light. Allow this light to travel down into the ground below you until it reaches Mother Earth’s coppery, glowing core. Once your light has tapped into Mother Planet’s light, take three deep breaths in and out, drawing up from Mother Earth into your golden light and breathing out and down back into the Earth.
  5. It is time to bring the light up from Mother Earth and breathe it up further this time to your heart center. At the same time allow light from above to travel down your golden scarf and into your heart. Take your time drawing light up into your heart as well as down into your heart.
  6. Here in the seat of your own Soul, you have brought in Mother Planet’s love and the love from your Ancestors above. Begin to vibrate from the heart bringing back the colors of the rainbow. The colors stem from within and surround you building a giant rainbow womb that you are in the middle of, creating, and feeding.
  7. Inside your rainbow womb you begin to feel great joy and peace. You are safe and nurtured. You are fed and satisfied. Linger in this space fully manifesting and soaking up these feelings.
  8. When you are ready grow your womb until it reaches the edges of the atmosphere, surrounding your home planet in a beautiful rainbow cocoon. Send Mother Earth the same feelings of joy, love, nurturing, soothing, and peace that you gave yourself. Relax and hold this vision of a glowing rainbow around the planet that can be seen from outerspace.
  9. Your Ancestors now tell you that they can see the rainbow around your home as well. They are proud of you and all that you do on a daily basis. They remind you whenever you feel depleted or undernourished in life to return to your rainbow womb and they will assist in replenishing and de-stressing you. This is also a wonderful place to boost your metabolism and remind your body that it is constantly being fed, not starving, so that it may continue to burn fuel and provide you with endless energy. Your Ancestors now place the golden scarf around your shoulders with a big hug. You are loved.
  10. When you are ready gently rock or sway yourself back into the present, grounding your energy to the floor. Relax for a bit, listening to the soft sounds around you before moving on to any activity. Thank you for Mothering today.
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