Green Energy Meditation


  1. Get fully relaxed.  Become conscious of your breath and allow each breath to further relax you more and more deeply
  2. Become aware of the center of your chest (or “heart chakra”).  With each breath, allow your heart to open further and further.  Visualize your heart glowing in a brightening ray of emerald green light
  3. With each breath, see and feel that green light expanding in all directions outwards from your heart until your entire body and aura is covered in beautiful green light.
  4. Next refocus all the green light in your body and your aura back into your heart and feel it become super-charged with brilliant green healing light.
  5. From your heart you can now project that light outwards to anywhere it is needed.  You can direct it into the earth to help heal mother earth or you can direct it into the waters.  You can direct it towards someone in your life who needs healing you can project it back to yourself if you need healing  and you can also project it into your future to create a healthy and more abundant life.
  6. When you’re ready feel the green expand out and get absorbed into the universe.  Feel your heart chakra remain open or allow it to close to a comfortable level.  When you are ready ground, center then open your eyes.
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